
At the end of March, Dr. Katelyn Smith had the privilege to head up to Papua New Guinea as part of a Faith-based Missionary Program with the aim to support and encourage Missionary families based in the country. Read all about it as she tells of this trip dear to her heart.



I travelled in a team of 8, all of who had varying roles throughout the duration of the trip. My primary role during the trip was to coordinate and participate in the Kids club. This allowed the parents to have a break and refresh themselves while allowing the kids to connect with other missionary kids from across PNG as well as learning lots, playing games and participating in crafts. We ran 6 sessions with the kids which were filled with songs, story time, arts and crafts and outdoor activities.

The long travel days and long travel delays that come with travelling in a more undeveloped country were all worth the joy expressed by the kids during our stay.

My highlight of the trip was being able to serve the kids and seeing their joy.

My Husband grew up in Papua New Guinea, so I loved getting to see and experience a tiny bit of the culture, country and community he grew up in and his family was a part of. Tasting some of his favourite childhood snacks and foods, visiting some places he talks about often and even recreating childhood pictures in the same location.

This trip was very impactful for me, and it was a true privilege to have been given this opportunity to serve.

Until next time PNG.

– Dr. Katelyn Smith